Here is a list of current and former students who I've had the pleasure to work with.
Paulino Ajiquichi (Undergraduate Project 2018, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala)
Tarek Hassan (PhD thesis in Astrophysics 2011-2016, CIEMAT, awarded ERC Starting Grant with MicroStars). Link to PhD Thesis
Daniel Nieto (Various student projects 2009-2011, Faculty at Universidad Complutense)
Esteban Currás (Short student project 2010, CERN)
Ruben García Alía (Master of Science in Fundamental Physics 2009-2010, Physicist at CERN)
Igor Oya (Short student project 2009-2010, Project Manager at CTA Observatory)
David Spiegel (Short student project 2006-2007, past member at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)